Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Day - Let the Festivites Begin

This is what we woked up to Christmas morning.  Five inches of fresh SNOW

These are the avalances that hang off our house and drop at a momments notice.

Christmas morning everyone was up at their normal time (5:30am) even though they were up till 1:30 in the morning supervising.  They were feed and then settled down for a morning nap before we got HDD up after they did a little exploring outside.

 Oh, Cleo I can see your butt!

And when is Dad going to make our paths again.

Mom snapped a few more pictures of some additional fur-friends that were visiting Christmas morning as well.

Also, we had to wait for the 2-legged brother to show up.  Since he lives in his own place we don’t quite have the control on when he shows up.  Mom had already told us that we could not open gifts until the 2-legged son was here.  WTF, does he not know that we celebrate Christmas at our time not his time clock.
So we waited…….

And waited…….

And waited…….

Finally he shows and then they have to eat before we can begin……..
Please can we open our pressies that we know Santa left us.  We can smell and see them hanging in the stockings and around the tree.

But why did Santa leave the rest of the pressies way up here out of sight.

Did he not see the little table under the stockings to place all our gifts.  (Note from Santa: tried this and the supervising hounds were stealing them as fast I was placing them on the table.)
Cleo is very good and knows exactly what she is to do with those wrapped packages.

Cleo and a few of her pressies
Winston does a pretty good job, but he appeared to be a little jealous of the pressies the girls got over his.

HDM trying to get Winston to play with his new rubber duck.  It quacked out its butt so that was very disturbing to him.

Winston checking out all Amiee goodies.  I think he felt their pressies were just a little better.
Amiee as you can see we could not get her to wake up and open hers.  We finally coaxed her with a treat to get up and she finally was getting the hang of it.

She finally got the hang it.

Our humans doing a little celebrating as well.
What did you get bro!

HDD and his special gift...Drag Racing Slot Car Track that was to come after Christmas
We sure can't complain on the gifts that Santa Paws left us.  We have more than enough toys to last a few days.  Winston has not ate the squeekers out of any of them yet. 
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas....Lights Out.........

Cleo, Winston, Amiee and Family
P.S...We got our second Christmas Package from the Gift Exchange on Christmas Day Eve.  We got to open that pressie after Christmas so we are getting that post out next.


  1. No way would we have waited that long! I think this guarantees you a spot on Santa's nice list next year. I'm glad you got such good loot!


  2. I'll have to show Mom the part about what time woo get up - just to remind her how bonus I am!

    I'm a sleep in kind of girrrrl!

    Woo had a great day AND had SNOW!


  3. We wish you and your family a Happy New Year.

    Nice woooh
    Sally and her Can-Openers

    Nice woooh


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