Friday, February 4, 2011

Healing Vibes are needed for Twix

We are needing some healing vibes and Power of the Paw sent to Twix.  We have just heard that Twix has taken a serious turn and the VET is very confused and not sure exactly what is causing her sickies.  Twix's Mom and Dad are open for any ideas if you have them. 

Please if you have extra minutes stop by and visit and leave her some words of encouragement.

Also, if you have any suggestions for her Mom and Dad, please leave them on their blog.  There might just be that one person in blogville that has the magic answer. 

Drools and Healing Vibes,
The HoundDogs (Cleo, Winston and Amiee) and HDM


  1. Yes, I'm purring for TWIXThanks for the blog post...

    pawhugs, Max

  2. My paws are crossed for Twix. Hoping she feels better soon.

    Your pal,Pip

  3. We will go visit right now.

    Pauley James & Middy Sue

  4. It's nice that you're spreading the word. And thanks for the information on fundraising. Hopefully it will work out for Shy so that she can see again.


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