Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog The Change - Help Our Animals

Our Part to Be the Change for Animals

Blog the Change

Today we are joining in with lots of other animal lovers out there.  We are participating in the Blog the Change for animals today.  Won't you join us, details can be found here.

Back in 2005 when I lost my first basset, I decided that I need to try to help do something for our homeless/neglected fur-babies.  I began volunteering at our local Humane Society and that is when my world changed for the better.

We were lucky enough to have Cleo adopt us back in 2006.  She was a 18 month old basset stuck in the local shelter facing her last days due to severe aggression.  You ask, how does a 18 month old basset hound develop severe aggression.  Well, I asked the same thing and I think it just comes down to the fact that someone thought she was super cute as a puppy with them long ears (failed to socialize, and train) she immediately became the Alpha of the households.  They failed to recognize the fact that this a living creature that GOD created for us to love and cherish.

I do know that Cleo has led my heart to become more involved with Rescue.  We are very active in Basset Rescue in Illinois and do about 13-14 transports a year for them.  There is so much more that each and everyone of us can do to help these beautiful animals.  We know not everyone can transport, foster or adopt, but we do know that most likely you have a few hours out of your week that maybe you could volunteer some time at a local shelter.  Just stop by and give a homeless dog/cat a scratch behind the ears, just let them know that they are loved and wanted. 

We currently have two rescue bassets in our family and I can promise there will be more in the future.  Rescue animals, just seem to have the hugest hearts and give such unconditional love it is truly amazing.

So, won't you join us today by participating in the Blog the Change for Animals Day!

Sniffs, The HoundDogs (Cleo, Winston and Amiee)


  1. I am so happy Cleo has a wonderful forever home with you!

    Your pal, Pip

  2. I agree, there are so many ways that you can help rescue groups, there's something for everyone!

    A big thank you to you and Aimee for coming to the nursing home last night! Aimee did great! We were supposed to tell you from Laurie that she really appreciated you coming. She missed you leaving and felt so bad that she didn't get to thank you for coming. We are looking forward to seeing you next week!

  3. Go hounds!!! We love our hounds, especially our rescued hounds. So glad I stopped by your blog today. Keep up the fabulous work!!!

  4. You are so wonderful for working with a rescue! The dogs need you - and by spreading the word, they will hopefully get their own forever homes soon...

    Thank you for blogging the change!

    Kim Thomas from


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