Friday, April 29, 2011

Always Playing Catch Up

As usual, it seems like we are always trying to play catch up on the blog.  HDM tries really really hard to keep everyone updated on what we may be up to.  It just seems like lately she keeps going on about how busy, busy she is.  It seems like maybe she opened her mouth one to many times in last month.  She has been so very busy with transports and then this thingy called a Fundraiser.  We don't have a clue as to what this is but it sure seems to be taking up all her time.  Seems she volunteered her typing fingers to do some data entry work.  Our local Humane Society is having a huge fundraiser in 2 weeks and the data entry must be done by this weekend or the programs cannot go to the printer.  But we insisted that she take some time update what has been going on since the Basset Ball, which we didn't get to attend.
Last Thursday, (4/21) Amiee went for her second Nursing Home visit.  Once we are able to drag her out of the BUV she really does well with everyone.  She is very shy, quite and is very content with just sitting with her head being petted.  Amiee has no formal training to be doing this so we just wing it and try to make sure that we mind our manners and things.
As you probably know we have got hooked up with this great group through Tales and Tails.  They are way more experienced at this and have an idea of all the different things we can encounter.  They blogged this past week about Ice Cream being everywhere, well it is true.  Bunny and her crew are a lot taller than Amiee so they can access these things a lot easier.  It takes a little effort for Amiee to reach the Ice Cream unless someone is just outright trying to feed it to her.  There was an elder gentleman (EGM) in a wheelchair and he was very insisting that Amiee needed his Ice Cream.  Our conversation went something like this.
EGM:  Well hello there sweetie, (not me Amiee), would you like a bite of my ice cream?
Amiee:  Gives me the look, is it okay, Mom?
HDM:  Amiee, you know that we can’t eat Ice Cream when we are out working.
Amiee:  Sad eye look, but he said it was okay
EGM:  Well I don’t mind sharing my ice cream with her, really.
HDM:  I appreciate your welling to share your ice cream, but it is part of her training she must not accept food from strangers.
EGM:  Well I am not a stranger because we have been introduced already, and I really think she needs some of my ice cream.  Ice Cream makes everyone happy, he proceeds to tell me,  she doesn’t look happy.  Look at her eyes, what is wrong with her eyes?
HDM:  Well she is a basset hound and they have very droopy eyes that are blood shot a lot.   She also got a walk shortly before we came tonight so she is really tired, I told him.   (This night, Amiee’s eyes were exceptionally blood shot and red).
EGM:  Oh, as he continues to eat his ice cream.
We proceed to walk to another wing to visit some other people.  Here are a few pictures of some of our new fur-ends we have met while visiting.  Sorry we can't remember all our new fur-ends names.

This is Gracie and she has been doing this for sometime.  She was the official greeter at the door.  Would give a soft woof woof when someone would come in the door.   

Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Basset Ball Fundraiser

Every year I attend the GABR Basset Ball.  This is one of the fundraisers that our Basset Rescue has every year.  This is a more formal fundraiser with a Silent Auction, Live Auction and sit down dinner (no bassets).

Houndstooth was correct on commenting.

Oh wow! That is gorgeous! Was that from the reunion you were going to last weekend?  Yes, it was.

We had several comments from our Wordless Wednesday picture wondering if it was Ice or Glass? 

Our friend Mr. Pip asked.

That's pretty cool - is that ice or glass? Your pal, Pip

Well it was ICE, a beautiful Ice Sculpture created by a local Ice Carver.  This is the first time that anything like this had been created for the Ball.

By the end of the night he was a typical basset hound.  Drooling and peeing on everything.  It was a sad sight to see him slowly melting away.

Here is a picture of the Mandalin that was in the live auction.

Here are a few pictures of the two cakes that they auctioned off that night.  You could bid on a cake to win for your table for dessert.

The cakes went for $300.

Here are a few items that I purchased at the auction.

This is a DVD set of the Original People's Choice starring "Cleo" the basset hound.  Cleo looks just like this Cleo in the movie.  Even though this series was out before I was born, I do remember it because there was also a book that was produced by Little Golden Books called CLEO.  I had this book when I was a kid, but lost track of it.  I have since purchased the same book off ebay.  A lot more than the quarter that my parents paid for it back in the day.

My purchase off the live auction.  HDD and I are avid drag racing fans and attend several drag races a year.  We are number one fans for Tim Wilkerson, NHRA Funny Car Driver, from Springfield, IL.  Well I had to have it!

So, I will be picking a date, either October 8th or 9th and will be heading to Joliet Drag Strip to drive a dragster!

Here is a picture of the book I was talking about earlier in my post.

Does that not look like my Cleo?


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011


An Easter Poem From The Dog

You feed me when I'm hungry,
You keep water in my dish.
You let me sleep on anything,
or in any place I wish.

You sometimes let me
lick your hands,
or even lick your face,
despite the fact
I've licked myself
in every private place

You taught me how
to come when called
You taught me how to sit
You always let me
go outside,
so I can take
a s**t stroll.

You'll always have my loyalty,
up to the bitter end.
'Cause after all, it's plain to see...

That you're a dog's best friend!


Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Celebration of Life and BarkDay Pawty


We are so excited to be participating in the Barkday for Ronnii today.  Along with honoring two great fur-ends Richie and Molly.  We know they will be smiling down and sending great vibes for everyone today.

We had Mom make some homemade treats for us to take.  She made some homemade peanut butter treat bones.  Not having an idea how many people will be at this celebration we through in some of our special store bought treats, Special Cuts and some Milk Bones incase we need to clean our teeths after eating all these yummy snacks.  Also, them cheetoos can leave your teeths all orange and stuff.

Homemade Peanut Butter Bones, Special Cut Soft Treats, and Milk Bones to clean our teeth.

We are ready to pawty!

We are off to do some dancing with the Paws Band

We hope everyone will come join us over at the Celebration at Ronnii's Blog today!

Sniffs, The HoundDogs (Cleo, Winston and Amiee


Friday, April 22, 2011

Pawty Pawty - April 23rd


We will be joining the celebrations tomorrow over at Ronnii's blog.

We will be celebrating Ronnii's Barkday and the lives of two very special friends Richie and Molly.  Please stop by for some great fun!

Won't you join us, Mom is making Peanut Butter treats for us to take.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - 4/20/2011

Wordless Wednesday - Remembering

Running Free At The Bridge - April 18, 2011
Richie we were honored to have gotten to know you through blogville

Please stop by JD and Max's Blog to help honor Richie's Memory, while raising green papers for Crossed Paws, maybe win a prize for yourself, and help JD and Max reach a personnal goal of 200 comments.

To learn more about Richie and to read his last post, please go here.

If you are not aware of Crossed Paws you can read all about it, please go here.  This is a place where some bloggers have pawed together to help our fur-ends when they need a little extra assistance.  Everyone that pawticipates with Crossed Paws, are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, with no strings attached.

Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Amiee Went Volunteering

For some time, I have wanted to get at least Amiee involved with Pet Therapy visiting nursing homes, etc.  The thing is, Amiee has not had any formal training of any sorts.  So accomplishing this, I just wasn’t exactly sure how to go about this.  I have been following the Tales and Tails blog for some time as they have the most awesome adventures and live pretty darn close to us.  I have been reading all about Bunny, Blueberry and Morgan’s trips to all the various places they go.  So I decided to chat with their Mom about it all. 
Well it turns out the group they work with here in our home town in Illinois does not require any type of training.  Well that is just down our alley for sure.  So a few weeks ago I met up with the Tales and Tails gang and got the honor of having Blueberry show me the ropes on how it all worked (minus Amiee) this time around.  Well I can tell you Blueberry, Bunny and Morgan are very well known and everyone just seems to love them so much.  They are definitely experienced in this and we Amiee can learn some wonderful manners from them.
Well last Thursday (4/14) was the big date that we had chosen to introduce Amiee to her new job.  First Mom had to take off early that day to go home and make sure that she was all prettied up for this adventure.  She got a quick bath, brushed, ears cleaned and her teeth brushed.  We left the house and headed to our destination with great anticipation.  Once there I was finally able to get her out of the back of the BUV and get her ready to start working.  Typical Amiee fashion she walked very close to my leg (Velcro style) and kept looking up at me like, WTH have you gotten me into, Mom.  After our official meet and greet with the Tales and Tails clan (Bunny and Morgan) we made our way inside following Bunny and Morgan’s lead.

Do I look excited about my new job

Once we got inside we walked around and followed Bunny and Morgan.  Bunny knows her job very well and I learned a lot from her.  Still staying very close to my mom.  Here are a few pictures that Mom snapped of Bunny and Morgan working.


Morgan looking for treats that Mom was feeding him

Oh, yea there ya go Morgan.  Very nice pose!

Bunny stylish as ever

Amiee, did you say we were going home!

Overall, it was a very good experience and I think I did pretty good.  I made lots of new fur-friends and finally meeting our blogging friends from Tales and Tails.  This Thursday I will be visiting another nursing home, so wish me luck.

Sniffs, Amiee, HoundDogMom

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog The Change - Help Our Animals

Our Part to Be the Change for Animals

Blog the Change

Today we are joining in with lots of other animal lovers out there.  We are participating in the Blog the Change for animals today.  Won't you join us, details can be found here.

Back in 2005 when I lost my first basset, I decided that I need to try to help do something for our homeless/neglected fur-babies.  I began volunteering at our local Humane Society and that is when my world changed for the better.

We were lucky enough to have Cleo adopt us back in 2006.  She was a 18 month old basset stuck in the local shelter facing her last days due to severe aggression.  You ask, how does a 18 month old basset hound develop severe aggression.  Well, I asked the same thing and I think it just comes down to the fact that someone thought she was super cute as a puppy with them long ears (failed to socialize, and train) she immediately became the Alpha of the households.  They failed to recognize the fact that this a living creature that GOD created for us to love and cherish.

I do know that Cleo has led my heart to become more involved with Rescue.  We are very active in Basset Rescue in Illinois and do about 13-14 transports a year for them.  There is so much more that each and everyone of us can do to help these beautiful animals.  We know not everyone can transport, foster or adopt, but we do know that most likely you have a few hours out of your week that maybe you could volunteer some time at a local shelter.  Just stop by and give a homeless dog/cat a scratch behind the ears, just let them know that they are loved and wanted. 

We currently have two rescue bassets in our family and I can promise there will be more in the future.  Rescue animals, just seem to have the hugest hearts and give such unconditional love it is truly amazing.

So, won't you join us today by participating in the Blog the Change for Animals Day!

Sniffs, The HoundDogs (Cleo, Winston and Amiee)

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

GABR Has Lost A Dear Friend - RIP Fran Gray

Tuesday evening (4/12/2011) I received word that the founder of Guardian Angel Basset Rescue (GABR).....Fran Gray.....has passed away suddenly.  From what I understand she passed away at home with her three bassets by her side.

I had the honor of getting to know Fran when I became a transporter for GABR.  She was the women that started it all for GABR.  If it had not been for Fran, GABR would not exist today and their would not have been 3500+ bassets saved because of her.  She was always there to listen to my stories and more than willing to kick that person in the butt for how they treated their basset.  We will all have the opportunity to honor her memory together as we gather this Saturday night at the Basset Ball fundraiser for GABR.

Fran was a wonderful woman with a big heart. When a wandering basset hound by the name of Moose was brought to her many years ago, she realized the need for rescue and with the help of a few friends would start Guardian Angel Basset Rescue. Momma going to her home and picking up her 3 basset hounds and bringing them to the kennel until we are able to arrange foster homes. Today there is a wonderful woman at the Rainbow Bridge taking all of the animals at the bridge that were abused, homeless, and never knew the love a family across the bridge with her to heaven. It will be her best and final rescue.

We know that there are some very happy bassets at the Bridge as they now have someone that will love, care and watch over them.  I can imagine that Fran was greeted with many waggin tails and tons of kisses when she got to heaven's gate.

God Speed....Rest In Peace.....Fran.....You will be missed but never forgotten.

The Jeakins Family
Wes, Sherri, Cleo, Winston and Amiee

P.S....If you could please give Precious, Elliott and Tabby a big hug for me I would really appreciate it.  HoundDogMom

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Richie and Ronnii Auction Winnings Are Arriving

We had the opportunity to bid and then actually win a few of the items from the Auction for Richie and Ronnii.  

We were able to bid enough kibble money to win Mom this beautiful bracelet.  It has some very detailed work on it and fits Mom wonderful.

Faith, Hope, Love Stretch Bracelet
Donated by:  Slimmer Pugs

18 Piece Kitty Stocking of Toys
Donated by:  The Slimmer Pugs

We purchased this to give to our 2-legged brother for his new cat that he adopted.  This is Sassy she is 8 years old and her family that has had her since she was a kitten decided the daughter (9) had allergies and brought her to the vet and wanted her to be put to sleep.  The vet choose not to do this, but placed her up for adoption.  We are so glad that our 2-legged brother remember what Mom taught him about helping the homeless, no matter if they are 4-legged.


Girl/Harness Jacket
Donated by Mr. Pip

We purchased this for our Grandparents fur-kid, Ruby (a red-headed poodled).  She lives in Texas most of the year but she is up visiting for the next few weeks so we were finally able to give her the present we won.  Here is the great card that Mr. Pip sent with the jacket and then a few pictures of Ruby modeling.

Look at all them sweet pups on this card.

Miss Ruby sitting on her Daddy's lap.  She was a little unhappy with her human sister placing this on her.

Here she is finally standing up so we can see it on her.  It fits pretty good a little big around the middle, but she is a very tall, lean "toy poodle".

Ruby's parents (our grandparents) really seemed to like it because it had the hook off the jacket.  This takes the stress of Ruby's neck.  She did wear it all day but then got a little chilly up here in Illinois and she had to have her heavy sweater back on.  But we thinks she will be styling when she gets back to Texas and gets to go to the beach in her new jacket.

We were so honored to be able to spend our kibble monies to help out Richie and Ronnie and their Mommy with their medical bills.  Blogville is truely an amazing place to met such wonderful friends, that are willing to reach out to others in their time of need.  Thanks to everyone that donated goodies and a special thanks to JD and Max and their FH for organizing and putting together our great auction site.

Sniffs, The HoundDogs
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