Monday, March 7, 2011

We Got Valentine Pressies

We got some great Valentine pressies from The Cheesehounds.  We must aplogize for just know getting to a post about it.  Seems like lately all Mom has time to do is put together a Wordless Wednesday post for us.  She even needs to step up a little bit at commenting on other blogs as well.  She reads them, but fails to leave comments like she should.  Anyway back to our Valentine pressie from The Cheesehounds.

Of course the hounds always have to do a little inspection of the package prior to opening.  It was obviously passing the sniff tests.

Our Great Valentine Card

Our Pressies

They were even sweet enough to think our our Mom. 

Of course she opened her pressie first.  We thought for sure she was going to wet her pants or something.  She started doing this little dance around the kitchen and usually when she does this dance, it is her pee pee dance.  But not this time, she was just beyond excitement to get this awsome cookbook.  She said she actually was looking on the internet on how to order one but she couldn't figure it out and here she had one sent to anyway.  Oh, cool is that.

Our pressie was a box of yummy treats.  We are pretty picky when it comes to treats, but we must say these past the test for sure.  They were a hit and we have none left, we are happy to report.

Picture of all our goodies, see them yummy treats in there.

Here are a few pictures of us waiting to taste the yummies.  As you can see Amiee was very excited about them.

 Thanks so much to the Cheesehounds for thinking of us on Valentine's Day.  You are definately are special valentines for this year.  Mom says thanks as well, she is hoping to try out some of the great receipes in the cookbook soon.

The HoundDogs
Cleo, Winston and Amiee


  1. That looks like an awesome present! You are some very lucky hounds. Let us know if you need any help tasting the results of the cook book trials! We're happy to assist in quality control!


  2. That looks like a great bag of loot.



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