Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Present for Henry (Transport)
HDM and HDD were suppose to do a basset transport a week ago on a Saturday. But the poor little guy got sick and had to spend a few extra days at the vet. Well HDM got the call on Tuesday that Henry was ready to go to her Foster Home. Well if you know our HDM there was no way a basset was sitting in a vet clinic for the Christmas holiday. Also, the Foster Home just so happen to be a good friend of HDM's. So, I don't have to tell you what she did one afternoon 1 day before Christmas.
So, Henry got his Christmas present and was delievered to his new Foster Dad (1st time Foster Dad for GABR). Of course HDM always takes pictures of every single transport she does. So here is Henry on his way to his Foster Dad and Foster fur-sister Blossom.
Henry checking out the back seat before taking off from the vet clinic in Dwight.

In about 15 minutes Henry decided to join me up front for some nice head pats and ear rubs. As you can see I was very good in the car. Sometimes it was getting really boring and this lady can take pictures and drive at the same time

Oh, what did you say......We are almost to my foster dad's home.
Lets check things out know that we are getting close.

Oh, this place will be just fine......they have bones to chew on, basset friends to play with. Check out my foster sister Blossom. Can you tell how excited she is to have a house guest.

Check out Henry on the GABR Website on the link to the left of page. HDM doesn't think I will last long so you better get there quick. Also, there are lots of other bassets that are needing there fur-ever home as well. Check us all out....Make 2010 a great year for basset rescue and us.
basset hounds,
basset rescue,
Twas the Night Before Christmas - Santa Paws
What did you do while you waited for Santa Paws to come?
HDM with her 3 Basset babies. We were trying to make her see that we should open a few of these lovely gifts, tonight. PLEASE.....
We had to stay on guard and watch for that jolly old man in a red suit to come while HDM and HDD went down to visit our HDB who recently moved out. We miss him but he stops buy all the time and will be here for Christmas morning. Here are a few pictures of his Christmas tree and Blaze the cat. I know a little odd for a cat to be a hounddog blog, but family is family.
Cleo and I (Amiee) watching for Santa.
HDB's Christmas tree, you can sure tell he doesn't have us around all the time. He sure wouldn't have that big ol' tree still standing like that. :)
Well they finally came back and said it won't be long before Santa Paws arrives. So we had a little fun and some picture taking prior to settling in for a long winter nap. :)
HDM took some pictures of the Christmas tree and Natavity scence that sits high on a table. Must keep little hound paws from the decorations and protect Baby Jesus.
No silly, Amiee you must be sleeping before that jolly old man shows up. See I am getting ready to snuggle in for the night. I want to make sure I get presents. :)
HDM and HDD thought it would be pretty funny to see how 4 hounddogs acted with a wrapping paper tube. That thing there produces some pretty far out noises and Tabby by far did not like it all. She ran out the back door and then popped her head end and voiced her opinion very openly.
Successfully got that noise maker away, know if I can just get through at least one of these door ways I can teach it a leason.
Success is so sweet. The munching is on. What would they have done without me around.
Better check one last time before heading to bed, Nope not here yet.................
We're all snuggled in for the night, except for Cleo.
Tabby sleeping on the couch.
Cleo thinking about the Santa cookies she can still after everyone goes to bed. :)
Winston dreaming of, who knows what.
Amiee wondering what the hype is all about before she settles down.
Merry Christmas,
HDM, HDD, Tabby, Cleo, Winston, Amiee
Monday, December 21, 2009
It is begining to look like Christmas
Here are some of the Christmas pictures that were posted on our Christmas Card this year.
And here the ones that didn't make the Christmas Card. Winston wasn't all that thrilled with having to wear the antlers, he choose to eat them instead.
Amiee not happy at all about the antlers.
Winston let me help you tear them antlers up as well.
We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Santa brings you all kinds of new chew toys and treats.
Tabby, Cleo, Winston and Amiee
Tabby Drool
Hello from HDM again,
Here is the funniest picture that I took of Tabby the other day. She was lounging on the picnic table outside on a cool brisk day. I seen that she had quite a drool starting so I grabed the camera and took some pictures. By the time I got out there the drool had managed to go into a wishbone shape. She would move her head and the drool would just go with her. A lot of times her drool will freeze in the winter time.
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