Wordless "?" Wednesday answers below. And this post is not so wordless.
A day before Christmas we were contacted by GABR that they had a 2 year old basset girl that was looking for her forever home. They were wondering if we would be interested in her and if we were ready to open our hearts back up. Well we knew we just needed to get through Christmas after loosing Cleo, because that was her very special Holiday. Well we made it through that day and this sweet little girl was still in the back of our heads so we decided that with the New Year it was time to see if we were ready.
So on Friday, January 6, 2012 we loaded up the BUV with Winston and Amiee and we headed out to Marion, Indiana to meet Bella in her foster home. We left the house at 7:30am and knew we had about a 4-1/2 hour road trip to meet her. Winston and Amiee did wonderful in the BUV and settled down about Farmer City and slept till we made a pit stop and then it was back to sleeping again. It took a little longer to get there since Mr. Garmin decided to take us on very scenic tour of the Indiana countryside. I can see how people complain that these things can get you seriously lost. It was a beautiful day to travel with the temps in the 50's so unusual for this time of the year for us. Usually it is 20 degrees and blowing snow, so we were thankful for a great day to travel so we could meet Bella.
Where did you say we were going Mom?
The HoundDogs (Winston and Amiee) would like to introduce their new fur-sister Bella to all their friends in Blogville.

Bella, comes from Louisville Kentucky and has a story to tell. Bella is 2 years old and has lived outside all her life. Well in September her family decided to move and I guess since she had been outside all her life, the just up and forgot her. They left her in the back yard for her to fend for herself. It was approximately 2 weeks before her first angel seen her (the neighbor lady). She began to take her food and water and see if she could get her to warm up and come to her. It took her nearly 2 weeks to work with her and get her to become her friend. She was able to finally catch her on 9/30/2011 and take her to the emergency vet. She then contacted Guardian Angel Basset Rescue about picking her up. GABR sent her second angel to pick her up and bring her to her new life. She came into GABR on 10/5/2011 skin and bones (just a little over 20 pounds), flea invested, tick invested and severe mange. We are so thankful that she had a few angels watching over her and GABR brought her back to life and encouraged us to open our hearts again.
Here is what Bella looked like when she arrived into Rescue
And here is our Bella today
After meeting Bella and spending lots of time with her at the local park, we decided that Bella would be a perfect for the Hound House. Winston and Amiee seemed to fall in love with her and were perfect siblings on their meeting. So after meeting her vet and signing some adoptions papers, we brought Bella home with us.
Our day at the Park
We were told that we should probably crate her in the BUV until they got to know each other, but she had other plans for that. Before we got out of the park she had busted out of the crate and found her space on the dog bed in the back of the BUV.
This is what we seen for the whole road trip home
This is when we arrived home at 7:30 Friday night. We had 3 very excited hounds that had been sleeping for like 8 hours.
What is that blur in the back ground. That is Bella's fast moving body, oh keep in mind she really didn't have any idea how to play with other doggies when she was first brought into rescue. This would not be the case today. This girl knows how to play with the best of them.
This is me (HDM) trying to tell her that it is okay to get on the furniture
Here are a few pictures of how things have been going since Friday. A few little bumps, but all is well and everyone is enjoying their new sibling.
Outside relaxing, unseasonable warm temps but that should change probably today.
When not relaxing, always looking for a friendly Basset Hound Romp
This is how I relax inside the house
Watch for more updates as we get to know Bella and how she is fitting into the Hound House.
Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Winston, Amiee and Bella